Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another piece of advertising art!

This is the advertising poster you can see from the street in the opening shot of my film. It's on a billboard and I think Dr. Grymm looks quite handsome in his brass goggles. The main logo was actually designed by Joey, and the photo was taken by the guys at Ajar Studios. I had to clean up the border and add the taglines and posterized treatment of the good Doctor.


  1. Of course, as it turns out, it's a lot smaller than I thought it would be. This is good because my digital people will actually look ok, but bad because all you can see in the sign is GRYMM.

  2. Right and if the digital people ever decide to revolt for being misrepresented we'll have films like, "Attack of the 50' digital man".

  3. I still vote for... "If you can dream it, I'll build it! But you'll pay for it!"

  4. I do too! When it goes up in a neighborhood where you can actually read it, I'll make the change (meaning, next shot down on the green.)
